New Year’s Day

A Happy New Year from the Ocean Dream!!

The first morning events were held on the Ocean Dream as usual, but with a feeling of renewal.
Tai-chi participants look like they are even more into it this morning.



Enjoying Nordick walking on Deck 10.




The New Year’s Yoga class was held on the deck.
It was phisically and mentally refreshing.


Celebrating the New Year with some staff in Kimono.



There was a Japanese traditional dance show.



Also a “Sara Mawashi” plate spinning show.




 Doing Japanese caligraphy describing one’s New Year’s resolution is a popular activity,




The traditional Japanese tea ceremony is also popular.
Some passengers put on the tea ceremony as a self-organized event.




This is a traditional Japanese New Year’s dish called “Osechi”, which was served to celebrate New Year’s Day, even we are on board.

We had a good time to observing one of Japanese New Year’s Day custom.