[99th Cruise Report]Earth Day


Earth Day was first established in the United States in 1970. The first Earth Day, which was celebrated the same year on April 22nd, saw over 20 million people participate by expressing their interest and support for environmental protection. Onboard the Ocean Dream, we also celebrated Earth Day over the span of 2 days through a variety of events that focused specifically on the SDGs.


In Agora, there was an SDG stamp rally as well as singing performances by children onboard. “I was collecting stamps because the stamp rally just seemed fun, but I actually also got to learn about the SDGs,” said one of the participants. Others who participated in the stamp rally also voiced their interest in continuing to learn more about the SDGs.


Many more events and lectures were held, including a lecture about the plants and animals in the Galapagos, current issues with plastic waste, food, fair trade, and environmental conservation efforts in Asia. Participants who attended all these events were all rapt with attention. In addition, an event titled, “Gift Economy~Sharing Unused Items with Others~” was held, where participants could swapt and gift items they were not using with each other. Over the two days that Earth Day was held onboard, we all learned a little more about how we can be more earth friendly through small, everyday actions and choices.