首先,第一站就是很多人還沒有去過的古巴! 這次的講者伊藤先生在我們抵達古巴前就分享很多關於古巴的故事,讓我們對古巴神秘的色彩更為著迷。古巴人民有著樂觀、強韌和獨立的心,用盡各種方式努力地生活著!即使實行共產主義後遭美國經濟封鎖,卻沒有因此被擊倒。像是藉著流亡國外的名義到美國賺錢寄回古巴等。他們很窮但是餓不死,像堅韌的小草一樣生活著。
So now let us explore this country.
First, we went to a traditional craft market.
Of course we had to buy cigars
Because of the economic blockade, Cuba still preserves a lot of older traditions. For example, there are still many classic-style cars over 50 years old running on the road. The local people preserve them well.
Visiting a big colonized fort.
Taking a group picture in front of the fort
There are many cannons left in the fort
Lunch time! Fish is a luxury dish in Cuba. We had a great fish dish with Cuban cocktails.
Let’s have a toast!
For our last stop, we went to the Revolution Museum to learn more about Cuba’s history.
Enjoying a beautiful sunset.