[102nd Cruise Report]Honolulu (Hawai’i)



On Peace Boat voyages, in each port you can choose to go around freely in ports, but also participate in optional tours. And whilst there are sightseeing tours and others that visit world heritage sites, there are also exchange tours that give you the opportunity to meet locals, so regardless of your interests there’s a wide range of choices available in each port. Today we arrived in our first port of call, Honolulu in Hawai’i, and participated in an exchange tour with native Hawaiian people in Ka’ala Valley. Whilst Hawai’i is well known for the beach and sea, it was good to see something different, and some of the beautiful rich nature Hawai’i has to offer. After more than an hour on the bus, we finally made our way to Ka’ala Valley.


One of the main traditional foods is taro, where everything from the flesh to the leaves can be eaten, and the roots can be replanted to grow a new taro plant. Steamed taro tastes a little similar to sweet potato, but with a unique sweetness. This is then pounded to make the local dish “poi”, which has a sticky consistency like the Japanese rice cake mochi and is a staple item for many native Hawaiians.


We were also introduced to the paper mulberry true, which has traditionally been used to make cloth and fabric. Leaves were woven and stretched to make clothes with a similar feel to paper. They keep you cool when it’s hot, and warm when it’s cool, and was prized by native Hawaiians.


Whilst many people associate Hawai’i with the beach, there is in fact rich green nature, as well as traditional Hawaiian culture that continues to be passed on today. With such a calming atmosphere, it’s very easy to truly relax in this beautiful place.

Photos/text Kawasaki Aya

Translated by AI