Stop at Cozumel (Mexico)


Oct 23, 2017

Peace Boat calls at the port of Cozumel, Mexico.
We participated in an exchange program and visited a local university to spend the day with students.



The school is built in the woods for the students to learn how to coexist with nature and the earth.
The students show us around to the library, laboratory and computer room at the campus.



After the campus tour, we introduce our history and culture to each other.



We enjoyed tacos for lunch, and introduced our cultural dances – the Mexican students performed their
traditional dance and we performed the traditional Japanese dance of fishermen.



The students visit Ocean Dream in exchange, and we show them around our home.
We exchanged good-bye hugs and saw off our new friends.
The day in Cozumel was full of good memories with our new amigos of Mexico!