Peaceful Time in the Historic District


Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay, a small country that developed at the mouth of the La Plata River. It is a port of call where beautiful historical architectures are scattered throughout the city.

Visit the Charming Historic District

Montevideo is the largest city in the country, home to about half of Uruguay’s entire population. However, compared to the hustle and bustle of Buenos Aires, located on the other side of the La Plata River, it is laid-back. Historical buildings, such as private residences of wealthy merchants built in various European architectural styles, tell the story of the city’s prosperous days as a port town. Be sure to enjoy traditional culture such as the performance of the “candombe,” a traditional percussion instrument registered as a World Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, and the passionate tango. Uruguay is said to have more cows than people. For lunch, enjoy a beef steak from Uruguay, one of the world’s largest beef consumers. Its tenderness and lack of fat make it an excellent choice.

Relax in an Organic Farm

One of Uruguay’s charms is the peaceful natural environment once you leave the city limits. As a small country, the scale of agriculture is not large. However, Uruguay is making efforts to promote organic farming and boasts the second largest area of organic farmland in South America. Peace Boat visits an organic farm in the suburbs of Montevideo. We can learn about the farm’s efforts and actually help with the farm work. We have a meal full of organic vegetables, which allows us to savor the true flavors of the vegetables. Let’s enjoy the time at the farm and think about our food.

PHOTO:PEACEBOAT, Christina Felschen