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[99th Cruise Report]The Today and Tomorrow of Western Japan’s Torrential Rain and Flooding by PBV staff, Kobayashi Shingo | PEACE BOAT Around the world Cruise

[99th Cruise Report]The Today and Tomorrow of Western Japan’s Torrential Rain and Flooding by PBV staff, Kobayashi Shingo


Western Japan was hit with torrential flooding and rain July of this year. Okayama, Hiroshima, and Aichi were among the most affected regions with many casualties, making this one of the worst natural disasters to have hit the region during the Heisei era. PBV (Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center), which works to provide support to disaster-stricken areas and helps communities create disaster resilient infrastructures, has been working in Western Japan reporting from the front lines. PBV Kobayashi Shingo gave a report on board detailing the current situation in the affected areas 5 months after the disaster. Many passengers listened intently as he gave a detailed account of his experience in aid work on the front lines of these disaster-stricken areas. PBV not only provides aid on the ground, but also provides volunteer training which has also been offered on board. These disaster volunteer training programs on board have helped many people learn how to effectively provide aid, and to protect themselves if a natural disaster should occur. Kobayashi’s event made us all think about what we can all do in our lives for disaster prevention and preparedness.