[102nd Cruise Report]Saguenay River Cruise


When the boat arrived at Saguenay river which is located in Quebec province in Canada in the morning, people could feel that winter was approaching. As people waited with their cameras for the moment, the sun started to rise from the quiet ocean.


Everyone on the deck were wearing winter gears. They all seemed warm and comfortable.


The boat finally goes into the Saguenay river. There waits an astonishing view of the fall leaves in the mountains. Passengers cheered with the amazing view which appeared in front of them. The beautiful trees lined up at the shore and the contrast of sunshine and the shades are mesmerizing.


The cruise lasted about five hours and people spent their time taking photos of the beautiful sceneries.


After the cruise we were lucky to meet a group of belugas. We couldn’t see their whole figure but everyone was excited when they showed their lovely faces above water once in a while. People excitedly shouted ‘Look! There they are! Oh and next there!’ as they find the belugas.