[102nd Cruise Report]Mircale Nature Show Onboard: Northern Lights


Today is the 5th day since we entered the Aurora Belt. During this day, with a calm sea and a beautiful starry sky, we were delighted with a scenery of lights so amazing that words can make justice for it. Around 7 pm, the Northern Lights appearance was announced through the onboard PA system. Everyone gathered in the open decks, without refraining to say some words to show how surprised they were. While it started as a small thread, the Northern Lights started to become bigger and bigger. It was such a beautiful view that I got too absorbed into it and almost forgot to take a picture.I would like to share some of the pictures I took.


The northern lights spread through the sky, touching the participants hearts. This Aurora Belt section can be one of the biggest highlights for this voyage. Being able to see with my own eyes this beautiful scenery and feeling deeply moved will make this night one to remember for the rest of my life.