[102nd Cruise Report]Reykjavik (Iceland) port of call


Ocean Dream has arrived at the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik! It is located on the Southwest part of the Reykjanes peninsula, situated at lat. 64°8′ N, and it is considered the most northern capital located. However, because of the warm current from the south, the temperature in winter is said to be warmer than Hokkaido. The weather is overcast and we can feel the crisp air as we get off the boat.


As we walk along the coastline, we encounter big monuments such as “Sun Voyager” or a concert hall called “Harpa”. This large hall created in the center of the city in 2011 received an award of European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture in 2013. There are also cafes and shops where many tourists were enjoying the space.


Considered the best hot dog in the universe, there are always long lines in front of the “Bæjarins beztu pylsur”.


We visited the church of Hallgrímur when the sun was about to set. This church was designed to express the lava that cooled down after an erruption. The collaboration of the church with the setting sun is creating a magnificent view.


The night has arrived and it starts to get cold. We decided to have dinner at “SALKA BALKA” where they mainly serve fish.


Once we come out from the restaurant, the church we just visited is lit up. The illumination of the city also spice up the scenery. Reykjavik is located in the Northern light zone. Sometimes the northern lights are seen from the city if the light is bright enough. This magnificent view of the city made us think that we want to see those amazing view.