Finland, Land of Forests and Lakes

98th Voyage Report

Finland’s capital city, Helsinki, faces the Baltic Sea and is known as the “Maiden of the Baltic Sea” or the “White City of Scandinavia”. From there, you can take a train or bus to Nuuksio National Park. One of the more than 30 national parks in Finland, here you will find a fantastic atmosphere that makes you feel as if you have wandered into a fairy tale world. The vivid green of the trees, the murmuring of the streams, and the peaceful nature make for a relaxing walk through the forest.

Since it can be visited by public transportation from Helsinki, and hiking trails have been built in the park, locals also visit on their days off. There are canoes by the lake, and a couple enjoying their leisurely day off slipped out into the lake. The surface of the lake was still and calm, reflecting the slowly flowing clouds.

A big tree lying in the middle of the path! The hiking course is filled with nature at its most powerful. We walked engrossed in the forest, amazed by the overwhelming scale of nature. All the trees are impressive, slender and tall. Of course, things created by humans are beautiful, but the beauty of nature simply leaves you speechless. Many Finns enjoy cycling, not only in the forest but also in the city. There are bike rental stations all over the city, which you can easily use. Seeing families enjoying cycling together, gives us the impression that cycling is a familiar leisure tool. Finland is indeed a country of great nature.

We take a walk around Helsinki Central Station. The mix of classic brick and stylish Scandinavian buildings, all with a stylish atmosphere, makes you want to take pictures.

The city is served by a tram system, which makes it easy to explore the city. You can buy an all-day ticket for 9 euros (as of February 2020), which is very convenient. Enjoy shopping at the many shopping centers and supermarkets in Helsinki. Many of the items are reasonably priced, so you’ll find yourself loosening your purse strings!

The people of Helsinki live in harmony with the richness of nature, enjoying a relaxed atmosphere. Traveling and encountering the lives of the people who live there can be an opportunity to rethink your own way of life. What kind of encounters are waiting for us?