The Port City Connecting the Pacific and the Caribbean


Cristobal is located at the Caribbean-side entrance of the wonderous Panama Canal, which connects the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The city is surrounded by a rich tropical rainforest that is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna.

Contemplating its History

Casco Antiguo is a historic district in Panama full of colonial architecture. This old town, a registered World Heritage site, retains strong vestiges of Panama’s Spanish colonial period. The Cathedral stands out prominently and iconically by the Plaza de la Independencia. This majestic building took more than 100 years to construct and has since stood there firmly, witnessing the city’s history. Also located near Plaza de la Independencia is the Church of San Jose, with a golden altar. In contrast, Panama City, the capital, is a modern city with soaring skyscrapers. The mixture of old and new cityscapes is one of Panama’s charms.

A Vibrant Indigenous Culture

Participating in optional tours to interact with the indigenous people is a uniquely Peace Boat way to spend your time in Cristobal. Visit the Embera community to interact with the local people and experience traditional music and dance. You can buy local handicrafts and ride a boat through the tropical rainforest. Many people fall in love with the beautiful embroidery, Mola, made by the indigenous Guna people. Guna women have preserved their traditions by wearing mola, and they have passed these down from generation to generation. Enjoy learning about and experiencing the history and culture of the Guna people.

PHOTO: PEACEBOAT, Isogai Miki, AdobeStock