​ ​[第98期航行游记]时尚服装秀—争奇斗艳的传统服饰


欣赏一个国家的传统服饰,可以让我们更了解该国的文化! 今晚我们举办了时尚服装秀,参与者超过100位,有些参与者穿上自己国家的传统服饰,也有一些穿著旅游时购买的当地服饰,他们走上舞台邀请大家一起欣赏这些美丽的服饰!


Chinese participants on stage with different styles of Chinese traditional clothes.

Korean participants wearing their traditional clothes.

Guest educator, Mr. Ui also wearing his elephant t-shirt from Sri Lanka.

GET teachers from all over the world wearing Sri Lankan traditional saris, which they bought when we were in Sri Lanka.

A couple from Switzerland wearing their Swiss traditional clothes called “dirndl”. They usually wear these kinds of clothes at special occasions, like festivals.

Children on board wearing their Yukata.

Participants wearing Japanese traditional kimono and Yukata.

Let’s take a group picture together!