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[99th Cruise Report]Liverpool (UK) | PEACE BOAT Around the world Cruise

[99th Cruise Report]Liverpool (UK)


We have arrived in Liverpool, a city historically famous for being a trade port with North America and the West Indies, and currently known for being a cultural hub with many museums. At the port, we were welcomed by locals and the sound of music. After a heart-warming welcome, we decided to head out to take in all of the sights.


First we headed to Pier Head. Royal Liver Building, the Port of Liverpool Building, and the Cunard Building all tower side by side, and together are known as “The Three Graces.”


Liverpool is also famous for being where The Beatles started. At Pier Head, there is a bronze statue of the Beatles commemorating their work. We couldn’t help but stop for a photo op!


After about a 10 minute walk, we arrived in Mathew Street. This area is a very popular tourist destination where you can find many of the clubs that the Beatles performed at before they debuted, their favorite pubs, and a variety of souvenir shops.


Next, we made our way to Liverpool Cathedral. The construction of the cathedral began in 1904, and was completed in 1978. It is twice the size of Saint Paul’s Cathedral, and is known for being one of the biggest cathedrals of the Church of England in Europe.


From the cathedral tower, you can view the city. The breathtaking view had us lost in time.


Finally, we headed to the The Beatles Story, a museum about the Beatles. The visitors were enthralled by the many exhibitions, including that of the band’s history, each of the members’ individual background stories, an interview with Paul McCartney, and a display of various Beatles paraphernalia. Since the exhibitions are regularly changed, depending on when you visit, you might see something new or different.


At the Fab4 Store, you can buy a variety of Beatles souvenirs. Some souvenirs are only sold in this store, so it’s easy to get carried away and shop away! Many of Peace Boat’s long-time Beatles fans were content that they were able to visit the museum, and seemed quite happy with their purchases. Our time at Liverpool ended on a high note with the Beatles.